Labels & Extra Finishes


finishing touches for clothing line


Finishing touches to your clothing line 👌


  • Minimum Order: 50 Items. Max Print Area: 12cm x 10cm

  • Cost Per Print: 75p / 65p - (50-99) / (100+)

  • Screen Cost: £10 - Colour Change: £15 - Label Removal:42p

Inside Neck Label prints

Printed on the inside collar of garments, neck prints are created by our screen printing method. Inside neck labels add something of a personal touch. Most wholesale garments come with the manufacturers labels inside, by removing the label and adding your own print, your clothing becomes more custom made and professional. This extra branding adds a touch of quality and makes your garments appear more bespoke.

This a speedy process with a quick turnaround time compared to other labelling options. However, please note, neck prints are only suitable for non-fleece items (not suitable for hoodies, sweaters etc).

If you are considering neck prints Vs labels, bear in mind neck printing cannot be printed on all garments including very thin material.



woven labels & Hem tags

Distinguished brands use woven labels to add a quality finishing touch that reflects the professionalism of their products and brand style.

We can weave custom labels for your clothing lines and merchandise, giving your products bespoke and professional characteristics.

We can help you turn your design ideas into high quality manufactured labels, we have in-house designers that advise on layout, colours, dimensions and the type of weave necessary to achieve your desired effect.

  • MINIMUM ORDER (LABELS ONLY): 1.000pcs. ( estimated 35p per label ) £350 total.

  • TURNAROUND (LABELS ONLY): 12  - 15 working days




Screen printed neck prints, often need a procedure to remove the standard labels that come in wholesale garments. We can usually remove most tags, but exceptions are garments that have stitching that cannot be altered without damaging your garment. We unpick stitching with great care to ensure your garments stay as they should, we charge per label for this service.

  • COST: 80p per label removal.

  • TURNAROUND: +1 - 2 working days

  • Minimum Order: 50 Items.




We have an array of colours so we can stitch with thread colours that match the garment and the label. If you have your own ideas and preferences of colour, please let us know and we can make variations.

Centre fold labels can be inserted inside the neck - normally under the neck tape, if your preference is over the neck tape, again, do let us know.

Stitch in Woven Label: £1.25

Minimum Order: 50 Items.

Relabelling services.jpg

  • MINIMUM ORDER: 1.000 pcs. ( estimated 35p per label ) £350 total.

  • TURNAROUND (LABELS ONLY): 12  - 15 working days


Swing Tickets add a professional touch to your garments whilst relaying important point of sale information to your customer.

As well as producing your swing tags we can also add these to your garments before delivery. In addition, we offer polybagging - which you can add as an additional service.

We attach our labels typically with twine, if you’d rather have a different attachment please let us know.

The weight of our cards are 300gsm, which is similar to a business card, we have a range of finish materials - recycled board stock, variable card weight, matt or gloss finish.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need advice on the format, colours, dimensions and general appearance of your swing tags.




Poly bagging will not only keep your garments clean and protected, they will prevent creasing and discolouration in storage. Poly bagging presents your clothing in a professional manner upon purchase by your customer, also saving you the time of packaging and folding . All Bags come with an adhesive strip to keep them sealed.

For ease of stock management, you can also apply size stickers to each bag - especially useful when purchasing in bulk. If adding swing tags, let us know and we’ll leave your bags unsealed.

  • Individual Folding & Bagging: 35p

  • Size Stickers on Bags: 10p

  • Minimum Order: 50 Items.
